Oracle 9i Unix Administration Handbook
Officially authorized by Oracle Corporation, this in-depth resource expl...
Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0072223049
Autor: Donald Burleson
Páginas: 517
Formato: 18,5 x 23 (impresso)
Preço: |
Sinopse: Officially authorized by Oracle Corporation, this in-depth resource explains how to deploy and manage Oracle9i on all of the major UNIX platforms, including Solaris, HP-UNIX, IBM-AIX UNIX, and Linux. You’ll learn to configure, administer, monitor, and tune Oracle9i in the UNIX environment using a proven set of commands, tools, and techniques. Plus, you’ll get ready-to-use UNIX scripts that you can use to perform dozens of administrative tasks. Manage and tune the Oracle UNIX server with UNIX commands; Capture UNIX server statistics with Oracle9i STATSPACK; Handle UNIX disk management and reduce I/O; Write powerful UNIX scripts to interact with Oracle9i; Examine the interaction between Oracle and the UNIX OS; Monitor UNIX dedicated and multi-threaded server connections to Oracle; Take advantage of the Oracle Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) for file management; Create automated UNIX scripts to monitor Oracle files; Encapsulate Oracle DBA tasks into UNIX shell scripts. |
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