Instant Wireless Java with J2ME
Develop state-of-the art wireless applications with J2ME using this thor...
Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0072191759
Autor: Paul Tremblett
Páginas: 551
Formato: 18,5 x 23 (impresso)
Preço: |
Sinopse: Develop state-of-the art wireless applications with J2ME using this thorough and useful resource. Learn to build a wide range of scalable applications that can be delivered directly to handheld and mobile devices. Once you’ve mastered the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), you can add enhancements to your applications using the Java Wireless toolkit. Covering security, J2SE compatibility, and networking, Instant Wireless Java with J2ME will show you how to create and deploy real-world wireless applications to J2ME-enabled devices.
Include CD-ROM. |