Classical and Object oriented Software Engineering
The 4th edition of Classical and Object-Oriented Software engineering re...
Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0071167617
Autor: Stephen Schach
Páginas: 616
Formato: 18,5 x 23,5 (impresso)
Preço: |
Sinopse: The 4th edition of Classical and Object-Oriented Software engineering retains the traditional features of the previous while updating the book to reflect the most current trends in the field. With a balanced coverage of the object-oriented paradigm and the classical paradigm, this edition continues to give special consideration to object-oriented life-cycle models, object-oriented analysis, and object-oriented design. The Universal Modeling Language (UML) has become an industry standard and now permeates this new edition. Coverage of design patterns, frameworks, and software architecture are included in this new edition, a wall as interoperability topics such as OLE, COM, and CORBA. Revision includes up-to-date software engineering topics. No other textbook contains such a variety of contemporary and popular topics including UML, patterns, frameworks, software architecture, SPICE, synchronize-and-stabilize model, OLE, COM, CORBA, and more. Balanced coverage of the object-oriented paradigm with the classical paradigm. This approach allows students to understand the superiority of the object-oriented paradigm, while preparing them to work in industry with software developed under either paradigm. Improved emphasis on teamwork. Chapter 4, “Teams and the Tools of Their Trade”, has been moved earlier in the book giving greater emphasis to this important topic. Also, the term project, which is designed to be performed in teams, provides students with essential preparation for working in industry.With UML and C++ |
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