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RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide


Prepare to pass the Red Hat Certified Engineer exam – while gaining prac...

Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0072121556
Autor: Osborne
Páginas: 711
Formato: 19 x 24 (impresso)




Sinopse: Prepare to pass the Red Hat Certified Engineer exam – while gaining practical knowledge of Red Hat Linux for on-the-job success. Built on the proven training methodology of Red Hat Certified Training Partner Global Knowledge, this complete study guide and CD-ROM package offers classroom techniques used by more than 200,00 IT professionals each year.

The Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide covers the topics you need to review for the exam, including how to:
Partition your server to achieve optimal performance of your Red Hat Linux installation;
Identify the key differences between the three installation options: Workstation, Server, and Custom
Add, delete, and modify user accounts
Configure your system for dual boots between Windows NT and Red Hat Linux
Use quotas to limit a user’s or group of users’ ability to consume disk space
Configure and troubleshoot the X-Windows interface
Use the Apache Web Server to provide both normal and secure Web services using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols
Reduce bandwidth utilization with Squid Proxy Server
Use your Red Hat Linux system equipped with multiple NICs as a router between two physical subnets;
Implement emergency boot procedures on a Red Hat Linux system

CD-ROM Include.



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