Robotic Explorations: An Introduction to Engineering Through Design
Written by one of the founders of the famous MIT "6270" Lego Robotic des...
ISBN: 0130895687
Autor: Fred G. Martin
Páginas: 462
Formato: 21 x 26 (impresso)
Publicação: 2001
Preço: |
Sinopse: Written by one of the founders of the famous MIT "6270" Lego Robotic design Competition, Robotic Explorations: A Hands-On Introduction to Engineering engages students in hands-on robot building, emphasizing technological systems of all kinds—electrical, mechanical, and computational. A first text for students as well as reference for practitioners, the book provides all the practical information needed to create an introductory freshman-level laboratory class. This versatile and pioneering book sparks the imagination and leads the reader into many thought-provoking and challenging engineering situations.
Robotic Explorations includes:
An introduction to the field of engineering design, accessible to students at multiple undergraduate levels, with concepts relevant to electrical, mechanical, and software systems. Principles of mechanical design, illustrated using the catalog of parts available in the LEGO Technic® system. Step-by-step instructions for building "My First Robot," a tutorial for beginning explorations of control. Applications of various control strategies including traditional proportional/derivative feedback, behavioral robotics, and hierarchical control. Designs and application ideas for robotic sensors. Project guidelines for designing robot contests to facilitate students´ learning of particular engineering concepts. Documentation for using educational robotics technology developed at MIT—Handy Board control hardware and Interactive C software.
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