Web Commerce Technology
Internet commerce is growing at an astonishing pace, and as transactions...
Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0070429782
Autor: Daniel Minoli
Páginas: 621
Formato: 19 x 23,5 (impresso)
Preço: |
Sinopse: Internet commerce is growing at an astonishing pace, and as transactions become more secure, buying goods on the Internet will one day become as common as a visit to the local shopping mall. For businesses eager to tap this vast marketplace, books on marketing and advertising on the Internet can be found in virtually any bookstore, but technical guidance has been hard to come by-until now
The Web Commerce Technology Handbook is the hands-on, technical guide to online buying and selling, providing corporate plannets and network administration whit all the vitual information they need to open and operate successful cyberstores. It’s your one-stop guide to:
? Advantages and disadvantages of availabrle platfomrs ? Networking, client and server hardware / software techology ? Details on the latest technical developments and future directions ? Hard-do-find information on Internet payment systems ? Key marketing opportunities-and how to profit from them ? Tips and techniques for ensuring secure transactions ? Technical limitations of electrnic coomerce |
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