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Building CyberStores


If you’re involved in developing your company’s World Wide Web site, thi...

Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0079130909
Autor: Martin Nemzow
Páginas: 522
Formato: 18,5 x 23,5 (impresso)




Sinopse: If you’re involved in developing your company’s World Wide Web site, this is the book you’ve been waiting for. A quantum leap in the literature of online commerce, Building CyberStores is a hands-on guide that shwos how any organization can integrate its existing database and pint-of-sales activity into is web site. In so doing, the book helps fullil the long-help promise of the Internet as a porentially lucrative medium for conducting business.

No other singel source spotlights the practical details you need to know about issues that can make or break a commercial web site including how to:
? Explore the possibilities and the limitations of a cyberstore for your company
? Ensure that all credit thansactions and data are secure.
? Use Java and other tools to enchances the design and functionality of a web site.
? Process transactions.
? Determine implementation and maintenance costs.
? Integrate multiple products, as well as pay-per-view documents
? Integrate point-of-sales into the Web.
? Integrate Cyber transactions with existing accounting systems.

Included CD-ROM.





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