Lotus Notes Certification Exam Guide
Acelerate your career with the only exam guide that covers all the infor...
Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0079136745
Autor: Scott Thomas
Páginas: 610
Formato: 19,5 x 24 (impresso)
Preço: |
Sinopse: Acelerate your career with the only exam guide that covers all the information you need to know to pass both the Application Development I and II and the System administrator I and II exams! You’ll master the material quickly, easily, and independently – without the hassle of an expensive prep course. Expertly designed for quick comprehension and retention, this 2-levels-in-1 exam guide delivers a complete Certification program in one easily-absorbed volume: Hundreds of sample questions cover every aspect of the exams; Organization by topic helps you pinpoint weak areas; Covers material that Notes’ documentation doesn’t even mention; Clearly explains the test format to raise your comfort level; Includes companion CD-ROM with a Lotus Notes application consisting of 7 sample exams and additional certification information . Written by two leading Lotus Notes professionals-both fully certified in Application Development and System Administration-this is the most complete and effective self-directed Lotus Notes exam preparation available ... at much less than you’d pay for a comparable classroom course! |