Heat Transfer a Basic Approach
International editions
In related fields
Beer: Vec...
Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0070664609
Autor: Necati Ozisik
Páginas: 780
Formato: 15 x 21 (impresso)
Publicação: 1985
Preço: |
Sinopse: Other McGRAW-HILL International editions In related fields Beer: Vector mechanics for engineers: Dynamics. 4/e; Beer: Vector mechanics for engineers: Statics. 4/e; Black: Machine Design. 3/e; Budynas: Advanced strength and applied stress analysis; Crandell: An introduction to the mechanics of solids: With SI units. 2/e; Dally: Experimental stress analysis. 2/e; Dieter: Mechanical metallurgy. 2/e; Doebelin: Measurement systems. 3/e; Holman: Experimental methods for engineering. 4/e; Jensen: Statics and strength of materials. 3/e; Jensen: Applied strength of materials. 3/e; Roark: Formulas for stress and strain. 5/e; Smith: Introduction to reliability in design; Synge: principles of mechanics. 3/e; Timoshenko: Theory of Elasticity. 3/e; Timoshenko: Theory of Elastic Stability. 2/e; Timoshenko: Engineering Machanics. 4/e. |
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