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Applied Mathematics for Business Economics and the Social Sc iences


Mathematics is an integral part of the education of students in business...

Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0071125809
Autor: Frank Budnick
Páginas: 993
Formato: 18,5 x 23,5 (impresso)




Sinopse: Mathematics is an integral part of the education of students in business, economics, and the social sciences. There is increasingly a desire to improve the level of quantitative sophistication possessed by graduates in these types of programs. The objective is not to make mathematicians of these students, but to make them as comfortable as possible in an environment which increasingly makes use of quantitative analysis and the computer. Students are discovering that they must integrate mathematics, statistical analysis, and the computer in both required and elective courses within their programs. Furthermore, organizations are becoming more effective users of quantitative tools and the computer. Decision makers will be better equipped to opeate within this type of environment if they are familiar with the more commonly used types of quantitative analyses and the technology of the computer. Such familiarity can assist them in being better “critics” and “users” of these tools, and hopefully, better decision makers.
Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics, and the Social Sciences, forth edition, continues to provide an informal, non-intimidating presentation of the mathematical principles, techniques, and applications most useful for students in business, economics, management, and the life and social sciences. Designed primarily for a two-term course in applied mathematics (the book can be adapted marily for a two-term course in applied mathematics (the book can be adapted easily for a one-term course) it provides a comprehensive treatment of selected topics in finite mathematics and calculus. It is appropriate for use in both two-year schools and four-year schools, as well as the “foundation” level for graduate programs having prerequisite mathematics requirements. M.B.A. and M.P.A. programs are typical graduate programs having this type of requirement.





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