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Data Structures Algorithms and Applications in C++


Sartaj Sahni, winner of IEEE Computer Society’s 1997 Taylor L. Both Educ...

Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0071155953
Autor: Sartaj Sahni
Páginas: 824
Formato: 18,5 x 23,5 (impresso)
Publicação: 1998




Sinopse: Sartaj Sahni, winner of IEEE Computer Society’s 1997 Taylor L. Both Education Award, is continuing his tradition as a well-respected data structures and algorithms author with WCB/McGraw-Hill. By comprehensively introducing data structures and algorithms in a single book and providing over 50 applications throughout, he has again introduced an innovative and effective approach to this topic.
Part One of the book reviews essential C++ programming concepts and reintroduces those constructs which are essential to the book. Part Two introduces fundamental data structures. Each data structure is illustrated through the use of several applications that are drawn from a variety of areas. Part Three focuses on algorithms design methods, including the greedy method, divide and conquer, and branch and bound. Again, each method is depicted with several applications.
With Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in C++, Sartaj Sahni continues in the tradition of his earlier texts by offering a solid and effective approach to the study of fundamental data structures and algorithms.





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