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Complete Business Statistics fourth Edition


Complete Business Statistics, Fourth Edition, by Amir Aczel is truly a r...

Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0071160183
Autor: Amir Aczel
Páginas: 917
Formato: 20,5 x 25,5 (impresso)




Sinopse: Complete Business Statistics, Fourth Edition, by Amir Aczel is truly a reflection of the unique background of its author. Aczel teaches business statistics at Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts, and is an occasional business commentator on CNN. He earned his B.A. in mathematics and M.S. in operations research from the University of California – Berkeley, and he was awarded a Ph.D. in statistics from the University of Oregon. Prior to assuming his current position, Aczel lived and taught in California, Alaska, Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East.
Besides his two textbooks with Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Aczel has written three trade books, and in each the draws upon his mathematical and statistical background and applies it to a real world problem. Fermat’s Last Theorem discusses the quest to prove a heretofore unprovable mathematical theorem, How to Beat the IRS At Its Own Game presents measures to avoid an audit from the IRS, and the recently published Probability 1 examines whether life exists in the universe beyond our own planet.
Aczel’s wide-ranging interests are evident in Complete Business Statistics, Fourth Edition, which now incorporates Microsoft Excel spreadsheets in addition to MINITAB and includes new exercises for the Internet. Many of the problems in the Fourth Edition are new and many reflect the international scope of the author’s experience, the authority of his educational background, and the practical bent he has displayed in his other writings. Aczel lives with his wife and daughter in the greater Boston area.

Included CD-ROM.





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