Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers
The MATLAB computing environment is the standard in some engineering dis...
Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0070473285
Autor: William Palm
Páginas: 316
Formato: 18,5 x 23,5 (impresso)
Preço: |
Sinopse: The MATLAB computing environment is the standard in some engineering disciplined and is rapidly spreading to others. MATLAB is easy to use, is interactive, and can perform numerical analysis, visualization, and symbolic manipulation. It has many built-in higher level functions of specific interest to engineers and it has its own programming language that allows users to develop their own functions and specialized programs. Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers, by William J.Palm III, is aimed at beginning engineering students and practicing engineers who want to learn MATLAB. The text assumes no prior programming knowledge. Based on Professor Palm’s experience in teaching MATLAB with freshmen, the text contains many examples of engineering applications of MATLAB. Several hundred homework problems and self-test exercises are included to provide practice in solving engineering problems with MATLAB. The text is also useful as a reference. Throughout the chapters are dozens of tables summarizing MATLAB functions. An appendix contains a master reference list of functions, organized by category. Chapter 1 introduces MATLAB via a sample interactive session and provides an overview of problem solving methodology. Chapter 2 covers basic operations and arrays, which are the fundamental building blocks of MATLAB. Chapter 3 shows how to uses files, built-in functions, and data structures, and describes how to create your own functions. Chapter 4 shows how to obtain professional looking 2D and 3D plots with MATLAB, and how to use these plots to develop functional relations from data. Chapter 5 reviews the fundamentals of linear equation solution methods and shows how to use MATLAB to solve sets of many linear equations. Chapter 6 covers the MATLAB programming language, including decision, operators, loops, and switch structures. Welcome to the BEST! McGraw-Hill BEST – Basic Engineering Series and Tools – consists of modularizes textbooks and applications appropriate for the topics covered in most introductory engineering courses. The goal of this series is to provide the educational community with material that is timely, affordable, of high quality, and flexible in how it is used. |
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