Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Using MATLAB
Digital Signal Processing: A Computer – Based Approach introduces the to...
Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0071165924
Autor: Sanjit Mitra
Páginas: 230
Formato: 18,5 x 23,5 (impresso)
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Sinopse: Digital Signal Processing: A Computer – Based Approach introduces the tools used in the analysis and design of discrete – time systems for signal processing. It is intended for a two-semester sequence on digital signal processing for seniors or first-year graduate students. It is also written at a level suitable for self-study by practicing engineers or scientists. Key Features: MATLAB based examples are used throughout the text in order to demonstrate its powerful capability for solving signal processing problems. The text includes seventy-six MATLAB programs and over one hundred and fifty MATLAB exercises; The text contains numerous practical examples that expose students to real – life signal processing problems. It emphasizes the mastery of concepts and tools rather than mathematical rigor; Simple yet practical applications are highlighted throughout the book. The final chapter is dedicated to important applications of digital signal processing; The book developers comprehensive coverage of several key topics, including: digital filter structures, analysis of finite word-length effects, and multirate digital signal processing. The text works well in conjunction with the Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Using MATLAB.
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