Applied Statistics for Business and Economics an Essentials Version third Edition
As with the earlier editions of this text, this third edition continues ...
Editora: McGraw Hill
ISBN: 0071168435
Autor: Allen Webter
Páginas: 604
Formato: 21,5 x 25,5 (impresso)
Preço: |
Sinopse: As with the earlier editions of this text, this third edition continues to stress the importance of applying statistical analysis to the solution of common business problems. Every opportunity is used to demonstrate the manner in which statistics can effectively facilitate the many decisions that business managers face on an almost daily basis. Further, the presentation has been condensed to present the material in a more concise and compliant form. Several pedagogical characteristics described below have also been added to enhance the instructional advantages presented in the text. This third edition of Applied Statistics for Business and Economics: An Essentials Version can be used effectively in either a one-semester or two-semester statistics course. While the material has been compressed to permit a streamlined discussion typical of a one-semester course, topical coverage remains sufficient to challenge even those students who complete their initial exposure to statistical analysis in a two-semester sequence. Below is a brief description of pedagogical features contained in this edition.
Included Diskette. |
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